Started 103 kg and now he is 95 kg.
When you are leaner you get the illusion that you look bigger .
I met Dimitris 12 years ago back home when I used to work one of the gyms in greece , he was always hard working person and disciplined! He is a police officer for many years and have been through lot of shit but he is a proper soldier! He recently became dad and I wanted to give him this as a gift!!
Made a 6 meal plan , full supplementation, we focused more on his back and delts. Doing x5 cardio post workout and than reduced slightly but not much his calories intake on the last phase . His food intake was always high as his job is active and he trains hard, even on resting days from training his food was still high.
We did blood work before we started , hormones were all good and overall.
I always recommend to do blood work before I start training people , natural or enhanced!
@ev_kaz8 .Να τον καμαρώνεις και να τον χαίρεσαι🙂
Dimitris doesn’t has IG so this message for his wife for him.

Started 85.5 Finished 72.8
Well done to Adriana for her hard work , it has become addiction and she can’t wait for the next day to go to the gym and train !

Congrats to my client @martaochylska for coming 3rd place out of 18 competitors!!!! In her first bikini competition with @pca_official first timers!!
I started working with her the last 9 weeks and we worked hard in this short period of time , and she NAILED it !!!!
While looking after her child and doing prep , she still managed to work hard for her show!! And I’m super proud of her hard work and commitment . Now couple of days she will enjoy and we will start rebound!

Congratulations to marta @Marta__Zak for coming in both shows PCA Federation and UKUP ,3rd place , in European championship.
She worked really hard with full time job and looking after child as well . Really proud of her !

Vicky wanted to lose fat and gain confidence with her body .
First 4 weeks was a bit tough for her but in the beginning everything is hard , it takes time the body to get used to diet and training as well , but she pushed everyday more and more even she was getting tired easily in the beginning, she wanted her waist back and she got it :).
It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change , about 8 weeks your closest people to notice and roughly 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice a change, so remember ( patience) is the key !!..
Massive well done to @vicky2402 for her hard work , now you can enjoy your holidays in hot country ( Costa Rica ).
Will go for more once you are back .

@herbal_haze wanted to get rid of that fat and cellulite for her friends wedding.
She wanted 12 weeks but unfortunately cause of work they had to transfer her to another city ..
She works as a manager full time at Nandos ,she worked hard for these 5 weeks and she feels good and confidence with herself .
Hopefully in the future I’ll see you again 🙂
Well done Lena , looking good .

8 weeks transformation!!
My friend @raulkamboj wanted to look good for his brother wedding , he is manager at @oraclereading zizi restaurant.
He has liver infection unfortunately but he really wanted to give his best to look good for his brother wedding .
Well done buddy on your hard work , now enjoy your time with your family .

@045joe who likes to travel around the world and his hobby playing golf..He was struggling for months to loose fat and to get his strength back..he did 8 weeks transformation and from 108 kg,he dropped down to 96 kg!!

Petra is mother of two kids. She wanted to loose her belly fat, but she was working long hours 5 days per week.She didn’t had much time and was dead tired most of the time.
Working full time with two kids is not an easy thing.
She asked my help ,so gave her a meal plan and two days training plan to train in the gym,and one day at home ,with body weight and couple of dumbbell she had.In 8 weeks she managed to to loose her belly, plus get fit as well.
Full time job with two kids didn’t stopped her to get the body she wanted.
She is really happy and proud of her self!!Now she keeps training and eating healthy!

Sultan has been training for 7 years with 6 years of boxing experience,he wanted to built a nice physique and bring his body fat low as possible.
So we started at 18% body fat and finished with 12.5% ..
We did 12 weeks transformation kept the size and brought the physique he always wanted !!
He worked really hard ,followed my diet ,my training plan and while I was training him twice a week.
I didn’t show mercy on him,went through a lot of pain but in the end was worth it !!
He keeps training hard and still goes boxing and wants to continue to train hard ..massive well done to him

Wanna say massive well done to this young girl and friend of mine who worked hard for her 8 weeks transformation!!
Ioanna came to me and asked my help to lose weight and look toned so she can wear her dress that she always wanted to look nice on that dress! We started at 62 kg and finished 57 kg ..she is really happy with her weight,and didn’t want to lose more weight.
Ioanna followed my diet and trained her 2-3 times per week and one time her self following my training program.
On the 3rd week she wanted to give up as she couldn’t do it anymore but pushed her not to give up and keep doing what you came for ,she made it and the results she came up to she couldn’t believe it!!
I’m very happy that I made her happy and she is enjoying training and living a healthy life style !!
Well done @ioannaciorgovean ..you deserve it .!
Started 90.8 Kg – Waist 93cm
Finished 82kg – Waist 80cm

Online client and friend. Paulo wanted to lose weight as he was not feeling ok with his belly size ..
he followed my training program and nutrition plan for 8 weeks and manage to lose belly fat and overall.
Now he is going to take a small break ,still will keep training and after his break and holidays ,we will work on putting some muscles ..
well done @paulinhodasilva28 ..more to come buddy ..enjoy ur time now and come back for more action !!

@omer860 ..started 96 kg and finished 85 kg…he worked really hard and gave ..
followed my nutrition and training plan ..
never complained about anything..
he worked in silence and the results speaks by itself ..
Father of 2 kids and full time job..
it’s not easy while having kids,but if you really want to change something in you ,you can always find a way cause there is always a way to change things in your life !!
That’s up to you how bad you want it!!
Well done to @omer860 .

6 weeks body transformation!!
Costa wanted to get shredded for his summer holidays so we had only 6 weeks to push and he did amazing job..
Followed my nutrition plan , supplements what to take and when to take and tips of training .
Weekly check ins ,even post workout check ins every 2-3 days to see how we are doing !!
Really proud of him ,well done costa
Enjoy your summer holidays . .

Started 83 kg / Finished 72 kg !!
Online client @mariannaalexaki and good friend of mine finished her 12 weeks transformation.
She works as a manager at @patisserievalerie in Reading ,She is mother as well and working full time ,and sometimes double shifts ,so was not that easy but she really wanted to look better and healthier.
She was training 4 times per week ,following my nutrition,training plan and supplements..with every week check ins and measurements!! The results speak for itself!!
Really happy that she will enjoy her holidays and come back and will continue training and keep it fit and healthy lifestyle !!
Well done @mariannaalexaki for your hard work . .

6 weeks transformation!!
John wanted to be in better shape for his holidays and did amazing job ..
More toned up and definition…
Followed my nutrition and training plan and the results speak itself ..
Well done John ,enjoy your holidays